Coach Trip (series 3)

Coach Trip
Third Series (2009)

Coach Trip 3 was the third series of Coach Trip in the United Kingdom, that was filmed between September and October 2008 and began showing in May 2009. The show's format after a break of 3 years remained unchanged from the previous series: seven couples travelling around Europe on a coach like series 1 for 30 days attempting vote off the least popular couples with visits to Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg for the first time. Tour guide Brendan Sheerin and coach driver Paul Donald both returned for this series, which aired on Channel 4 with a similar end to series 2. David Quantick was the narrator and MT04 MTT was the registration number plate.



Channel 4 announced that Coach Trip would return to the channel in May 2009 after a 3 year absence. The filming took place during September and October 2008. The series of was broadcast on weekdays at 5pm for 6 weeks, beginning on 29 May 2009. An omnibus was originally shown each weekend but was cancelled part of the way through.

Contestants (In Order of Elimination)

Note: Graham also appeared as contestant on Channel 4's money game show Wogan's Perfect Recall Series 1 Episode 1 Transmitted on 25 August 2008, in Series 2 Episode 2 of Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe Transmitted on 27 July 2006 and appeared with another girl who’s very much like Ivy known as Liz on TV show Britain's Empty Houses Transmitted on 11 January 2010. They also got married on Living TVs Four Weddings show.

Note: Daz also appeared as contestant on Channel 4's money game show Deal or No Deal Hosted by Noel Edmonds.

(Note: Contestants in italics yellow-carded without being voted off and left without being voted off).

Voting History III

     Indicates that the couple received the most votes and received a yellow card
     Indicates that the couple received the most amount of votes and was red carded off the trip
     Indicates that the couple left the coach due to other reasons than being voted off or being removed from the coach
     Indicates that the vote was skipped by Brendan and no one received a yellow card
     Indicates that it was the couples first vote meaning they could not be voted for
     Indicates that the couple did not take part in the vote, meaning they could neither vote nor be voted for
     Indicates that the couple were voted as the most popular couple and won series
     Indicates that the couple were voted as the second most popular couple
     Indicates that the couple were voted as the third most popular couple
     Indicates that the couple were voted as the fourth most popular couple
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Not on
3 votes
Not on
2 votes
Not on
1 votes
Not on
1 vote
Not on
N/A Hannah
0 votes
Not on
0 votes
Not on
0 votes
Not on
(end of Day 26)
Red Carded
(Day 25)
Not on
N/A Holly
Red Carded
(Day 24)
Not on
Red Carded
(Day 21)
Not on
(Day 20)
Not on
N/A Matt
Red Carded
(Day 18)
Not on
Red Carded
(Day 15)
(end of Day 14)
Red Carded
(Day 14)
Not on
Red Carded
(Day 13)
Not on
N/A Colin
Red Carded
(Day 10)
(Day 9)
Red Carded
(Day 8)
Red Carded
(Day 6)
Red Carded
(Day 2)
Walked none Jackie
none Holly
none Ann
none Delia
Voted Off Geoff

4 votes

4 votes

3 votes

2 votes

3 votes

3 votes


2 votes

3 votes

4 votes

4 votes

4 votes

3 votes

3 votes

2 votes

3 votes

3 votes

4 votes
none Mark

4 votes

6 votes

3 votes

4 votes

4 votes1

4 votes

4 votes

5 votes

3 votes


No timekeepers or removals in series

The Trip Day by Day

Arrival Day and Day 1 of the trip - Antwerp

The coach trip once again started in London where tour guide Brendan met the seven couples to start the trip. The coach party then traveled to Dover to catch the ferry to Calais . On board, Tom revealed he had a supply of absinthe. The duty free off-licence proved popular. Brendan revealed their first stop would be Antwerp, Belgium.Everyone seemed to bond well initially although Jackie and Susan's habit of waving their little Belgian flags at all the passing vehicles eventually wore thin with Geoff. Geoff was however amused to find out their hotel was near both a sex shop and a church. The next morning, the coach trippers toured Antwerp, visiting the Cathedral of Our Lady (although in the show the presenter continuously refers to it as Notre Dame which is of course in Paris. Edit NOTE: Any cathedral dedicated to Our Lady is called Notre Dame, which is French for "Our Lady". There are several in France itself called "La Cathedrale de Notre Dame") and its examples of Rubens' paintings. The talk was interesting to many of the older members of the trip, but the younger trippers (Matt, Tom, Holly and Taryn) showed little interest. Almost everyone climbed the 284 steps to the top of the cathedral's spire though Jackie, Susan and Diane decided to have a coffee instead. Anne overcame her fear of heights to see the view. The youngsters instead amused themselves playing with a feather floating in the updraft from the floors below.

The second activity was a visit to the diamond museum. The talk seemed to have little effect though as nobody seemed to know where diamonds came from afterwards.

At the day's vote Colin & Diane, Jackie & Susan and Matt & Tom received one vote and Geoff & Anne received four votes and the trip's first yellow card.

Day 2 - Reims

After an overnight stay in what Brendan described as a tacky chain hotel, Day 2 found Geoff & Anne still feeling down after the previous day's vote. The group headed to Reims and its "Surrender Museum" situated on the exact location on which the German surrender was signed on May 7, 1945. it was an emotional experience for the older group members, particularly Diane, who was invited to sit in one of the seats around the surrender table which brought her to tears.

A lunch break of snails and frog legs cheered up most of the group, except self-confessed partial vegetarian William who was less keen. On the coach journey to the day's second activity, Holly & Taryn bemused Colin & Diane with their tuneless rendition of Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie's "odd little song" from "The Simple Life".

The second port of call was to the Pommery Champagne Estate which has a very unusual art installation of finches playing electric guitars. The aviary in indoors and the birds "play" the guitars when they move around on the strings. The sight of this exhibit upset William who thought it cruel to keep the birds hidden away from daylight. The guide's insistence that a vet visited each week did not convince him. Then it was onto the tasting at the end of the tour. As ever on Coach Trip, this was a very popular experience with free alcohol being available.

At the day's vote Graham & Ivy received one vote, Holly & Taryn received 2 votes while Geoff & Anne received 4 votes and were red carded, becoming the second couple in 3 series to get a red card on day 2. The majority of the reasons given were that they hadn't gelled with the rest of the group. Anne said to the rest of the group that she believed women tend not to like her but that the group had liked Geoff.

At the next hotel that night, the 4 youngest members of the group were diving into the pool in their clothes and were joined by Graham. Tom and Holly were later seen going upstairs together, still soaking wet.

Day 3 - Luxembourg City

Determined to get to the bottom of the previous night's events, Brendan visits both Matt & Tom and Holly & Taryn in their hotel rooms. The boys claim Tom only gave her a dry shirt to wear back to her room, seemingly letting slip that Tom undressed her because she was drunk because Tom "is a gentleman". The girls deny everything. Brendan is not convinced by either story and finds the boys with her shoes when they go outside to the coach. On the coach, the boys are making fun of the girls which they take to mean the boys have a crush on them. Getting their own back, they put makeup and nail polish on them, which they didn't resist.

The coach took them to Luxembourg City where they were given a tour by a local guide. William had been here before and said it was still boring. First off was a visit to the outside of the Grand Duke's palace, followed by looking at the unusual street lamps which have faces molded into them, designed to appear to follow the viewer as they walk by. Then it was onto a view over the city but the trippers were desperate to go to the toilet, for which Brendan had to hand out money for them all to go. Matt & Tom however decided to run and jump around the ancient catacombs until it was time for lunch. After that, they took the coach to a workshop to make ceramic bird-shaped whistles. This prompted a stream of innuendos as the process was described to them. Jackie's was judged by the expert to be the best and won a professionally made example of the whistle.

At the vote, William & Deanne received three votes as did Colin & Diane. The remainder of the group decided the yellow card should go to William & Diane as most the votes for the Welsh couple had been from people not expecting them to get votes from anyone else. New couple James & Tracy from Plymouth joined the coach trip. Jackie & Susan complained that their room was too small for their size. Sympathizing, Brendan managed to secure another room so they had one each.

Day 4 - Strasbourg/Rust

Everyone is an early riser for day 4 despite morning rain showers, with Ivy wearing another of her wigs - one for each day. Brendan reveals on the coach that their next destination is Strasbourg which doesn't elicit much enthusiasm. Deanne offers to read her Tarot cards for Ivy but Ivy is not happy to pay the £10 Deanne is asking for. Deanne will not back down as it is a business thing to her. This was the first time Paul Donald the driver drove the coach through rainy conditions.

The first activity was an Alsatian-style cookery class where they would eat what they cooked. Jackie & Susan win the contest while the boys come last. The coach then takes them to their next destination after Strasbourg in France onto the Europa-Park just across the border in Rust, Germany where 66 year old Diane surprises everyone by going on the tallest rollercoaster in Europe. Rollercoasters are still not interesting to Brendan since Day 18 of series 2 before he found a ride that's more to Brendan's pace.

Vote time brought simmering tensions to the fore. Holly & Taryn; Colin & Diane and William & Deanne received one vote, Jackie & Susan and Graham & Ivy received two votes. Graham & Ivy received one of their votes from William & Deanne which prompted Graham & Ivy to become verbally aggressive towards them. With two couples on 2 votes, the rest of the group retired to decide who to give the yellow card to. They agreed Graham's outburst made the decision easy and so Graham & Ivy were given their first yellow card. Graham still would not accept this and continued to complain about the tarot card issue. William & Deanne were unsure if they wished to continue on the trip.

Day 5 - Mount Titlis

William & Deanne didn't come down for breakfast so Brendan found them in their room. They have opted to stay and (in William's words) "fight the forces of Skeletor". There was still widespread tension on the coach. Graham apologised for his outburst, crudely begging for sympathy by claiming it was his and Ivy's anniversary. The coach crosses the border to Switzerland, where they take cable cars to the top of Mount Titlis snow park when the weather was light rain. Everyone enjoyed the ensuing snowball fight but the altitude took its toll on Deanne, Jackie and Susan who had to go back down the mountain.

After lunch, the groups split up to either take a sedate walk inside the glacier (where Ivy asked Brendan many basic questions about glaciers) or go tobogganing. Graham and William make up. Off-camera, William is sceptical. But everyone seemed to have fun in the snow. Ivy was still not entirely sure what a glacier is.

The vote took place on the coach, where Graham expects he and Ivy will be voted off. Matt & Tom and Graham & Ivy receive two votes, whilst James & Tracy receive three. Graham's apology ("and their anniversary") has been enough to keep them on the trip.

Day 6 - Lucerne/Vitznau

The day's trip is to Lucerne in Switzerland. The group are taken to visit the Wasserturm, a medieval place of torture and a watchtower set in the lake and reached via the Kapellbrücke. Unfortunately, the tour guide spends a long time describing the tower - in Swiss German, a language nobody on the trip can understand, some of the group (even Brendan) tried not to laugh on the man's language. The guide's colleague translates the talk but manages to do so in a fraction of the time and so has obviously left out the majority of the detail. The coach party have to try hard to stifle their yawns or laughter, and even Brendan is not immune.

After the tour, lunch is taken on board a paddle steamer and it seems to have made up for the disappointment of the tour. Even Graham & Ivy appear to be getting on better with William & Deanne, but it looks forced and William privately doesn't think the past events can be totally forgiven. Following lunch, the group visit Vitznau and are treated to a demonstration of crossbow making by a William Tell lookalike. Most of them do pretty well firing a crossbow afterwards.

The vote once again produces fireworks, with 3 couples already on yellow cards. James & Tracy receive one vote, whilst both Colin & Diane and Graham & Ivy total three votes. Colin & Diane's vote for Graham & Ivy sets Graham off and Will (followed shortly after by Deanne) walks off in disgust. They return to reveal their vote is also for Graham & Ivy because not enough progress has been made between the two couples. This forces the group to convene to decide the destination of the day's yellow and red cards. They unanimously decide on Graham & Ivy, seeing the continued outbursts as unacceptable. Graham is not prepared to quietly accept the vote and voices his disappointment, followed by Ivy throwing insults at the entire coach party, saying that they are all dry, like a piece of bread without no butter. As Graham & Ivy leave to collect their bags, the remaining coach trippers rejoice their departure from the coach trip well after their engagement anniversary.

That evening the group go to a Stadtkeller, a traditional pub-restaurant, where a good time is had by all.

Day 7 - Liechtenstein

Day 7 begins with the coach trippers reflecting on the previous night's partying. The boys have a tiny BMX bicycle which they found in a hedge. Everyone has had a go on it. Brendan encourages Matt to ride it to the river and leave it where all the locals park their bikes. As usual, William correctly states their destination. The coach takes them to Liechtenstein with Up on the Young Rhine that has the same tune as God Save the Queen. The first stop is at the Prince of Liechtenstein's vast vineyard. True to form, the coach trippers take full advantage of the free wine on offer, especially Tom who, despite claiming he dislikes wine, drinks glass after glass of it, leaving him distinctly "under the influence". Meanwhile, William and others have ventured out to the vine groves and he helps himself to a bunch of grapes as the Prince, being so rich, won't miss them. Matt & Tom find the children's playground which provides them with amusement. William joins them which momentarily slows the pace down but it soon gets lively as he and Tom tussle on the see-saw.

The afternoon activity is a bird of prey show at a falconry centre, where everybody wraps up to combat the cold. Everyone seems to enjoy the talk from the knowledgeable bird handler but several of them are bitten by the female kestrel. Brendan is not too keen on the ravens.

At voting time, Holly & Taryn get one vote against them, as do Matt & Tom, Jackie & Susan and James & Tracy. Colin & Diane receive two votes. Tom says he heard Graham state that the Welsh couple had talked of the youngsters getting a yellow card, something they strongly deny, pointing out Graham's reputation on the trip.

Newcomers Krishnan & Scott join the trip, with Krishnan pretending to be Scott when meeting Brendan. It seems they plan on being the comedians on the coach. Krishnan is clearly another one who likes his alcohol. He also reveals after dinner that he has become aware of a voting pact but won't reveal who is involved.

Day 8 - Munich

Munich is the destination of the coach trip on Day 8. Krishnan & Scott have decided not to go along with any voting pact. Colin is philosophical about last night's vote, saying he and Diane have stayed on longer than he might have expected. On the coach, Krishnan & Scott's obsession with Brendan continues as they reveal that Krishnan has "tattooed" "I love Brendan" on Scott's wrist in ballpoint pen. Their camp antics appeal to Holly & Taryn's own sense of fun. The boys' thoughts last night that they will either be loved or hated could well prove to be true.

First stop of the day is the Munich Olympic Stadium where most of the trippers are taken on a tour up onto the stadium roof. In the end, it doesn't seem extreme enough for Matt & Tom, though the others enjoy the experience.

Later in the day, the Marienplatz is the venue for the viewing of the Glockenspiel clock performance. It seems Brendan has built it up too much as the majority of the party seem underwhelmed. Following this, Brendan gives them 50 minutes to either got to a bierkeller or to go shopping. The majority, bar Holly & Taryn and Jackie & Susan, opt to go drinking. We don't see where William & Deanne went. Non-drinker Tracy ends up wishing she'd gone shopping too. The drinkers are 10 minutes late for the 6 o'clock deadline, with holly & Taryn being a further 5 minutes late. But Brendan forgives them as they are girls going shopping.

Voting time leaves Matt & Tom, Holly & Taryn, Jackie & Susan, James & Tracy and William & Deanne on one vote and Colin & Diane on two votes, leading to them receiving their red card. Scott & Krishnan's vote ends up being the decider as everyone was on one vote until their turn came round.

Day 9 - Salzburg

There's a downbeat start to the day as Jackie & Susan tell Brendan that they are feeling drained, particularly after the antics of Krishnan & Scott. Brendan persuades them to remain on the coach for the day and re-assess things after the vote. Everyone avoids Krishnan & Scott on the coach as it heads to the Eagles Nest above Salzburg. The coach party travel up to the house in the original lift. The British guide has likely never seen anyone quite like Krishnan, seemingly dressed in the girls' coat, woolie hat and sunglasses. There's a certain amount of unease amongst many at the popularity of the location. Matt unbelievably poses for a photograph, making a nazi salute and mimicking Hitler's moustache. Matt then said that he was just doing Basil Fawlty's (from Fawlty Towers) famous moment.

The coach arrives three hours late for its next destination, a chocolate shop where the trippers are treated to a demonstration of how to make the world famous Mozart Balls. Brendan has a hard time getting everyone to rush to the shop, although they find it before he does.

Following the activity, the coach has to wind its way up very narrow lanes to the night's hotel as Paul's Sat nav has sent him on an inappropriate route. In the end, everyone has to get taxis to the hotel whilst Brendan and Paul have to make a U turn and find a better route. The trippers are already eating when Brendan returns one hour later so the vote was rather late and he goes to each room to collect the votes. Jackie & Susan receive one vote, William & Deanne receive two, while Krishnan & Scott end up with three and a yellow card. All is not over for the day however, as Jackie & Susan decide nothing has improved and decide to walk from the coach trip that night due to delays.

Day 10 - Innsbruck

Brendan visits Krishnan & Scott in the morning to find out how they are after last night's vote. They seem downbeat. He and driver Paul then inspect the coach damage from the trip to the hotel. En route to Innsbruck and with newcomers Caroline and Charli onboard, he reveals Jackie & Susan's reasons for voting against Krishnan & Scott, who don't agree they should have had a vote as they left the trip. James also tells the boys that he too thought they were disruptive and made it difficult for people to hold conversations on the coach. The first activity is learning to yodel. After that, the second activity is summer bobsleighing on the Olympic track, which involves riding in wheeled bobsleighs at up to 100 kilometres per hour. Before the run, Brendan introduces newcomers 73 year old Betty & her son Daz who was a former Deal or No Deal contestant. Betty declines to do the bobsleigh run, along with Deanne.

Ahead of voting time, Holly & Taryn show concern that with two new couples on board, they are more vulnerable to getting a yellow card. At the vote itself, Holly & Taryn get one vote, William & Deanne receive two votes and Krishnan & Scott receive four votes and a red card. their loud antics have clearly grated with the majority of the group. Surprisingly, even Holly & Taryn (who have spent a great deal of time joining in with the pair) vote against them - for "stealing their limelight".

Day 11 (Day XI) - Lake Garda/Riva del Garda

En route to the day's destination of Lake Garda it becomes clear that Holly & Taryn are unhappy at the presence of Charli and her mother, and more so at the fact they are sitting with Matt & Tom on the coach. Arriving at Riva del Garda, the group head straight to the stereotypical souvenir shops before boarding the road-going miniature "train" to tour the streets.

The group taste the local grapes and grape juice before feasting on a traditional open air buffet of meats and cheeses. It becomes clear that Holly & Taryn and Caroline & Charli are not keen on each other, with the girls claiming the mother and daughter are "fake". Following lunch, the next activity is sailing on a catamaran, though those who have a fear of water or sailing sit it out. The rest sail in their respective pairings. Holly & Taryn are very insecure about their appearance in the wetsuits, refusing to be filmed from behind and then complaining their make up is ruined afterwards. Everyone seems to have enjoyed the sailing itself though.

The vote brings tensions to the fore once again. William & Deanne end up with two votes while Charli & Caroline receive four votes and the yellow card, which greatly upsets them. Holly & Taryn reveal on camera that they have an alliance with Matt & Tom and intend voting off the newcomers to preserve the original group which remains. They say this is the correct way to "play the game".

Day 12 (Day XII) - Venice

Brendan introduces new couple, sisters Ann & Grace, to the coach trippers before they set off for Venice. He shares his vast collection of information on the city with the group. The romance between Holly & Tom is now out in the open as they walk round Venice, whilst Taryn & Matt hold hands too. The first activity is a gondola ride, with the four youngsters sharing a boat. The boys seem very reluctant to show public affection however. The girls don't seem to agree whether Matt is attracted to Taryn but they say that Charli "fancies Matt". Charli shows a lot of interest in the local male population however. Following the gondola trip, the group have an alfresco lunch which doesn't go down well with Ann & Grace who prefer traditional Yorkshire fare.

The second activity is a visit to the glassblowing factory at Murano where everyone gets a chance to try glass blowing for themselves. The newest members of the coach trip attract some uncomplimentary comments to camera from the loved up youngsters. There were souvenirs for Brendan made of glass which were a glass yellow card and a glass red card both to take to the vote.

The vote on the coach ends up with James & Tracy on 3 votes and Betty & Daz on 4, prompting Daz to call a special meeting in the hotel of all the newer contestants (Daz & Betty, Caroline & Charli, Ann & Grace) and they determine that Tracy is the centre of the voting pact as (in their views) she mothers the youngsters and Deanne looks up to her. Therefore they must supplant Tracy by getting friendly with Deanne, particularly when on the coach.. They hope to get William & Deanne on their side to split up the voting pact which has aimed all along to keep the original group on the coach at the expense of newcomers.

Day 13 (Day XIII) - Comacchio/Ravenna

The rift in the group is still the subject of conversation at the lunch table for the newcomers the next morning. Unfortunately, none of them manage to sit near William & Deanne on the coach as it ends up with all the members of the voting clique sitting together at the back of the coach. Comacchio is the first stop of the day and the coach takes them to an eel farm where the trippers are to catch their own eels before eating them. What they are not expecting is to then hand their live eels to the cook who chops their head off in front them with an axe before putting them on a large skewer over an open fire, where the tails still move. This proves a turn off for some of the coach trippers who are unable to eat their meal. Meanwhile the two separate groups on the coach are still not mingling.

Activity 2 is a visit to Ravenna, famous for its mosaics. Each pair makes its own interpretation of the town's official bird. Brendan has to stop Tom from taking coloured tiles from a different table to use in his mosaic when he hasn't had permission from the artist giving the demonstration. The tutor announces Daz & Betty as the winners.

Ahead of the vote, Daz seems confident that change is in the air but the vote itself proves predictable as James & Tracy receive 3 votes (all from the newcomers) and Caroline & Charli receive 3 from the voting pact. An argument ensues. Only William & Deanne vote differently, for Daz & Betty. There is no agreement between the two factions as to who goes home by a red card so the voting pact wins due to superior numbers as William says they will not vote against the couple who have been supportive to them. Caroline & Charli are distraught and Charli goes back to confront Holly & Taryn and Matt & Tom who all find the situation amusing, although Taryn appears to think Tom takes things a step too far with his final comment. Daz talks to Tracy afterwards and leaves sounding like he's made a breakthrough but Tracy's reaction to the camera as he turns away shows otherwise.

Day 14 (Day XIV) - Bologna

There are three couples who have been on the coach trip from the start but that situation will change by the end of the day. At breakfast, Ann & Grace share a table with James & Tracy and it seems the members of the voting pact are welcoming them into the fold (or courting their support). Anne & Grace say that everything is now fine in the group. Daz & Betty are more cautiously optimistic until they get on the coach and decide that the sisters have now joined the pact, breaking up the newcomers alliance. William & Deanne state to camera that they are now weary of the trip. The first stop is a brief Italian lesson at the University of Bologna. This proves to be quite a challenge. The coach then takes them to a vineyard where they learn to crush grapes in the traditional way - with their feet. Holly & Taryn are very reluctant to step in the grapes. But before they begin, they are introduced to the latest coach trippers, Hannah & Kate, best friends from London. Holly & Taryn's reaction to camera suggests they think there should only be one such couple - themselves. And besides (according to Taryn), they "are much hotter". The bitchy comments continue after the activity. William & Deanne also state (to camera) that they have been canvassing for votes to be red-carded. One of the rules of Coach Trip is that contestants only receive a free flight home if they are voted off, rather than leaving by choice. At the vote, William & Deanne receive 3 votes (from the rest of the pact members) while and Matt & Tom receive 3 from the newcomers alliance. Hannah & Katie vote for Ann & Grace. At the subsequent discussion, everyone agrees to let William & Deanne get their wish to go home. However, as they are handed their red card, Brendan reveals they would have been sent home anyway had the vote not gone their way. Canvassing for votes is against Coach Trip rules and Brendan suggests that the rest of the group takes heed of this fact. At the hotel that night, Holly & Taryn receive a (possibly staged) phone call from their employer purportedly calling them back to their jobs in the UK. James (James & Tracy) has said on Facebook that, "We knew they had work commitments yes. The phone call on TV was another bit of editing trickery to provide some continuity." The remaining two couples from the pact come to say goodbye. (Note: since the programme was made, it was revealed in the press that Tom has moved to Australia to be with Holly).

Day 15 (Day XV) - Cesenatico

The coach is already 5 minutes late for departure when Brendan knocks on Hannah & Kate's door During Brahms Lullaby. Apparently, they are still on UK time. Once everyone is on board, Brendan explains why Holly & Taryn had to walk from the group. This strangely prompts tears from Daz which Tracy feels are false considering their run-ins. Mark & Ann from Nottingham are the newest members of the coach trip. Mark is visually impaired and explains that it gives him tunnel vision.

The destination for the day is Cesenatico where the group learn to make a Piadina. Matt & Tom waste no time trying to recruit Hannah & Katie to help form a fresh alliance. Meanwhile Daz and Tracy are at odds over comments Daz has made earlier. Tracy makes it clear she intends voting for Daz every day.

It's on to the beach for the afternoon and Tom runs naked into the sea with just his shorts to cover his modesty. Daz joins in by mooning the camera. Brendan takes the opportunity to relax and sunbathe, apart from having water poured on his face by Matt. Daz and Tracy each find themselves apparently mellowing towards each other as a result of staying apart at the beach.

During the vote, the tension between Daz and Tracy re-appear as Hannah & Katie and Ann & Grace receive one vote whilst James & Tracy and Daz & Betty end up with two. The tie is resolved in James & Tracy's favour and Daz & Betty bid their farewells, though James & Tracy don't join in. Luke & Joey, two stand-up comedians from London are introduced to the coach trippers as everyone heads back to the coach.

Day 16 (Day XVI) - Conero/Ancona

Beginning the coach's last day in Italy, Luke and Joey introduce themselves to the rest of the travellers before Brendan challenges everyone to describe their partner as a pizza topping. Luke & Joey have to describe their joke answers (cement and mushroom) which doesn't do their self-proclaimed comedian status any favours.

Arriving in Conero, the day's first activity is a guided walk through the Frassasi Caves where the four youngest male coach trippers are very taken by the tour guide. Lunch is then eaten indoors as it is raining heavily. They are serenaded by an accordion player. 90% of the world's accordions are made in the region. The musician is so deeply involved in his playing that his facial expressions have everyone, including Brendan, in hysterics. Fortunately, he is oblivious to this.

The coach then takes them north to the port of Ancona in order to take the 9 hour ferry crossing to Croatia. The sight of the rough sea has a number of people feeling very nervous.

At voting time, Hannah & Katie, Ann & Grace and Ann & Mark receive 1 vote and Matt & Tom are awarded 3 votes and the yellow card which ment no-one missed out on joining the ferry trip. Brian & Trish joined the coach after the vote happened. Brian was a coach and bus driver for 35 years. Trish reveals she enjoys all forms of travel, except ferries.

It's a rough sea crossing...

Day 17 - Makarska

After the rough ferry trip everyone is feeling worse for wear, particularly Grace's sister Ann. An unappetizing breakfast doesn't help anyone's recovery. Matt & Tom cannot be bothered to make friends with anyone now that they and James & Tracy are the only couples remaining from week 1. Brendan isn't impressed with tour guide Tania's over-familiarity with his coach party as they walk round the town of Makarska. The local war veterans' tug of war proves a greater attraction and Luke & Joey sneak off to watch and chat to the competitors. The lunch of salad doesn't agree with Ann's upset stomach so she and Grace head to the hotel.

Following lunch, the group have the option of mountain biking in the hills or going for a more peaceful coastal walk. Luke falls off his bike. Tracy ends up talking about circumcisions in Turkey.

At voting time, Grace comes out with a tirade against Joey & Luke for voting against Matt & Tom the previous day. She doesn't agree with the reason being they had been on the longest (despite this often being used as a reason on Coach Trip). Joey & Luke and James & Tracy both receive 3 votes. Matt assumes that the yellow card goes to the two boys but this annoys the newer members. However, the majority vote is against the boys anyway as Brian & Trish side with the longer-term coach trippers. Grace's outburst has taken Joey & Luke and Mark & Ann by surprise.

Day 18 - Dubrovnik

An early start to the day takes the coach trippers to Dubrovnik but relations are still frosty between Joey & Luke and Ann & Grace. The coach journey through the hills results in Mark's partner Ann being physically sick after an enforced stop by the coach. Ann & Grace are also suffering. Upon reaching Dubrovnik, it's clear Brendan's usual thorough briefing on the coach is lost on the trippers as they tour the city.

Ann & Grace's dislike of heights kicks in as they climb upwards along the city walls and Ann's vertigo leads to her wanting to go back. But the tour is one way so they have to soldier on.

Following lunch, most of the coach party go sea kayaking whilst Ann & Grace and Trish sit down for a break. James (who can't swim) sits by himself.

The vote brings yet another spat as James & Tracy get 3 votes and Luke & Joey get 4. Therefore, Joey & Luke get the red card. Luke accuses James of being a hypocrite for using length of time on the coach as a reason for giving a vote after he (James) had said it wasn't an acceptable reason previously. Mark & Ann believe they or Hannah & Katie will be the next targets for a red card as the "coach mafia" appear to have recruited more members from the newer coach trippers.

Day 19 - Montenegro

Tracy had an epileptic seizure the night before, so she and James remain at the hotel for the day and are immune from the vote (and ineligible from voting themselves). As the coach climbs towards Montenegro, Grace suffers a panic attack at the altitude and the coach is forced to pull over as her attack gets worse. She smokes a cigarette and soon passes out, leading Ann to think her sister has died. When she comes round, the sisters are taken to the hotel by taxi. Losing two couples from the pact leaves Matt & Tom feeling vulnerable to being sent home at the vote. Mark & Ann feel this is the chance to get rid of the boys.

The remaining couples head to a Clay pigeon shooting range where Brendan simply hopes nobody shoots anyone else (or themselves). The next visit is to the small 15th century church of Our Lady of The Rock, situated on a tiny man-made island of the Bay of Kotor. The island was built up over many years of sailors dropping rocks on the site for luck. Legend has it that the painting of The Madonna inside was found by two fishermen who placed it on rocks to keep it above the water. One of them eventually took it to a local church, but it was discovered back at the original spot it was found. This happened three times and so the church was built to house it. Whilst everyone else takes in the culture of the church, Matt & Tom mess around by themselves as usual outside the church.

There was a surprise at voting time as Brendan revealed he decided to skip the vote due to the low numbers present. This was a bit of disappointment to Mark & Ann who feel their chance to remove Matt & Tom has gone. The boys are ecstatic as they knew they were at risk of getting red-carded. However, it turned out that the votes would have been as follows: Trish & Brian and Tom & Matt - wish to receive 1 vote, Ann & Mark - wish to receive 2 votes. They seemed to be less popular than they imagined and avoided the yellow card.

Sandra & Michelle joined the coach at the border before the coach returns to Dubrovnik. The new couple make it very clear they are single and could be on the look out for romance on the coach.

Day 20 - Split

Down first to breakfast, Sandra & Michelle are keen to get to know the rest of the coach party as they had little chance to talk the previous evening. Brendan goes to see Ann & Grace in their room, where they tell him that, due to health reasons, they are leaving the trip after 8 days onboard, Ann then ended up in tears when she still remembered the previous day's incident. To lighten the mood on the coach, Brendan plays the Village People song, Y.M.C.A. through the coach's speakers and jokes about his time in San Francisco in 1982. Ann & Mark aren't so keen to join in. Tom admits to camera that he enjoys winding Ann up.

Arriving in Split, the first stop is a stroll round the Roman ruins and tacky souvenir shops. As they are being given a tour by a local guide, the party find they have been joined by a stranger who claims to be oblivious to the fact it's a tour. James later says she was scared off by Brendan asking her if she had paid. Everyone seems disappointed that the location is so "touristy". They are taken to the statue of Grgur Ninski and are encouraged to tickle his big toe as it is claimed to bring good fortune to those who do so.

Second activity of the day is playing picigin in the shallow water at the beach. The group split into two, boys and girls, each with one champion player assisting them. Brendan doesn't join in and Mark decides he is beter off going for a paddle in the water, leaving Brendan hoping he is safe doing so with his tunnel vision. The boys group appears better at playing picigin and the girls' champion player gets a little frustrated with their lack of ability.

Matt & Tom and Brian & Trish receive one vote at the end of the day whilst Ann & Mark receive three votes. Trish incorrectly accuses Ann of calling James "hideous", something actually said by Luke. She refuses to retract her accusation however. Only Hannah & Katie save them from a clean sweep.

Day 21 - Zadar

Everyone has enjoyed the 5 star hotel overnight. However, Hannah & Katie have enjoyed it too much, sleeping in again like that happened 6 days ago when they had to turn their clocks forward by an hour. Brendan has to phone their room to hurry them up and the coach leaves half an hour late. On the coach, Brendan warns a yellow card will follow a similar incident to timekeeping issues previously held by John and Kerrie 3 years ago. Ann & Mark do not enjoy sitting opposite Matt & Tom who engage with Brian & Trish and James & Tracy instead.

The destination for the day is Zadar where the trippers learn the history of the country's greatest export, the cravat. They are given a small costumed recreation of the background to the cravat and the male model's total lack of a smile amuses everyone. Tracy makes strangling motions behind Ann & Mark as Ann is encouraged to tie a cravat round Mark's neck, something she's never done before. On leaving the shop, another film crew is there to ask Brendan about the programme. Ann & Mark are still feeling totally excluded.

Next up is a boat trip on the Adriatic to an island beach but first the group is introduced to Paul & Alexander from Newcastle. The beach turns out to be no more than 10 metres wide and covered in shingle so the group restrict themselves to swimming. After the swim, Katie playfully tries to take Brendan's towel from around his waist although it is a joke as he still has his swimming trunks on. However, Tom decides one again to run around naked with his hands over his crotch. Brendan asks him to get dressed but Ann has had enough of his exhibitionism and puts her hand down between his body and the jeans he is holding over his crotch. She explains to camera this was to teach him a lesson. James and Brian (again, both to camera) say they found Tom's behaviour acceptable and amusing, but not Ann's.

At the vote, it was a clean sweep against Ann & Mark. Ann & Mark themselves give a retaliatory vote against Brian & Trish for their vote the day before. Trish's response to Mark reiterating that Ann did not make the "hideous" comment was an emotionless, "If you say so". She is still not prepared to accept her error. Matt & Tom, James & Tracy, Brian & Trish and Sandra & Michelle all bring up a lack of interaction and Ann's behaviour on the day's vote as their reasons and Ann replies they've felt excluded. Brendan hands Ann & Mark their red card and explains he would have had to give it to them anyway due to Ann's actions on the boat towards Tom.

As Ann & Mark are being interviewed about their departure, the boat with the remaining coach trippers on board passes behind them and Tom is heard to call for the return of the bag he lent them a few days earlier. Ann's response is to throw the bag in the water. A number of the contestants are then shown being interviewed and speaking of her inappropriate behaviour. Ann says they had every intention of handing back the bag that night. As the credits roll, Ann and Mark are on a speedboat and pass the coach trippers' boat. Ann waves the bag at the boat and then both of them smile and wave to the boat.

Day 22 - Lake Plitvice

Brendan was the one who was struggling in the morning as he had flu-like symptoms. However, Hannah & Katie were in danger of a yellow card or red card as they had apparently not come down from their room but they did make it in time though. Alexander & Paul are formally introduced as the coach makes its way to Plitvice Lakes National Park, a world heritage site. The mood on the coach has improved following Ann & Mark's departure. Arriving at the lake, Matt tried to catch a fish with his hands whilst Tom fed them biscuits. He was told off for this, apparently by an official from the area. It was against the rules to feed the fish, let alone with biscuits.

The scenery similar to the mountains (from Twin Peaks) seemed to have calmed eveyone, but at lunch, the voting alliance (or mafia as they have become known) make moves to recruit Alex & Paul into their group. Following the break, Brendan announced a painting competition in which each individual or couple was to paint the Twin Peaks scenery. The winning couple would receive a prize. Tom yet again failed to take things seriously and simply did a hand print before washing his hand in the lake, therefore polluting it according to Brendan. As usual, Tom's effort led to disqualification. Hannah's painting earns her and Katie a night in a luxury log cabin instead of the hotel. They are also allowed to take a couple of their choice to share the experience and pick Sandra & Michelle. Despite instructions from Brendan to wash their painting tools in the toilet block, Matt & Tom used the lake again, leading him to chastise them, albeit quite gently.

At the vote, Alex & Paul receive one nomination, James & Tracy receive two and Hannah & Katie end up with three and the yellow card. The excuse the "mafia" (with Alex & Paul now members) give is that they are spreading the vote to ensure everyone stays on for the longest time possible. Brian & Trish did not vote with the mafia on this occasion, their vote being to Alex & Paul because Alex admitted to being a bad loser during the painting task.

Matt (with Tom) spoke to the non-mafia members to explain the reason for the voting but it's clear he convinces none of them. James admitted to camera that while they couldn't force votes to go the way they want, they hope to force their wishes through by strength of numbers.

The "luxury" cabin proves to be rather less luxurious than expected, with no inside toilet (which instead is a fair walk away in the dark) and minimal facilities. The four girls discuss the way voting has been going and agree that votes should be given with a valid reason behind them.

Day 23 - Zagreb

On reaching the coach in the morning, the girls share a joke with Brendan about the wonderfully appointed cabin they have spent the night in. They then keep the joke going by convincing the rest of the coach party that they had a fabulous time. The coach journeys to Croatia's capital of Zagreb where they are met by a local guide. Matt makes a feeble attempt to chat her up which certainly does not succeed. However, she does manage to get them lost on the outskirts of the city. Brendan takes the opportunity to introduce newcomers John & Michael.

The coach soon finds its way to a traditional Licitar biscuits which are gingerbread hearts given as tokens of affection. Unsurprisingly, Tom doesn't listen to instructions and starts to make a mess of his biscuit and his fingers. Brendan's frustration leads to disqualification for Tom (and Alexander) and sending them to the coach while everyone else continues. They soon sneak back when they realise everyone is having lunch.

The afternoon activity is a chance to tour a local square on Segways. Tracy opts out. Aside from some minor mishaps, everything is going well until Tom & Matt ignore strict instructions to stay within the pedestrianised square and cross the road to another area, followed by Hannah & Katie and Michael & John. They are soon stopped when they reach gravel, which the Segways struggle to work on. This action incurs the wrath of the instructor and she berates them for it, especially as she is responsible for their safety.

Voting time results in Matt & Tom receiving one vote, James & Tracy receiving two votes and Sandra & Michelle receiving four (all from the mafia members). James admits on camera that they are spreading the votes around to keep he and Tracy and Matt & Tom as safe as possible from a red card. They do not mention their fellow mafia members, so it seems clear they are being used.

Day 24 - Heviz (Hεviζ)

Alex & Paul and John & Michael have decided the mafia is not for them and they want to see it disbanded. The Day's journey is to the Hungarian spa town of Heviz but Brendan had a surprise in store. There was a change in the day's vote and whoever receives the most nominations would be automatically red carded, regardless of whether they already have a yellow or not. This leads Tracy to whisper to James that they could be heading home that night. James confidently replied, "No." Brian & Trish thought there was a chance of Michael & Paul heading home on their first day of eligibility, while Hannah & Katie thought they might be the ones going home. When the coach stops, James talked to Alex to persuade he and Paul to vote with them. But Alex instead told Paul, Michael & John of the plot and this strengthened their resolve to remove the mafia.

The day's first activity was Hungarian horse riding. The group were treated to a display of traditional horse riding skills before getting to ride themselves. James struggled to even mount his first horse whilst Michelle split the bottom of her trousers when falling off hers.

Following their excursions, the group then went to Lake Heviz which is a spa, famous for its medicinal properties due to its sulphur content and mildly radioactive nature. Brian & Trish didn't take part because, according to Brendan, they didn't want to swim in a "pond", while James couldn't swim.

Ahead of the vote, Michael & John revealed to camera that they, along with Alex & Paul, were voting for James & Tracy and hoped that the rest of the votes were spread around enough that James & Tracy were red-carded. In the end, Hannah & Katie received three votes (from Brian & Trish, Matt & Tom and James & Tracy, all because they wouldn't "play the game") and James & Tracy received four votes due to their tactics during the trip. A lively discussion erupted about what did or did not happen regarding voting pacts. But it was James & Tracy who ultimately had to leave the coach trip.

(Note: Automatic Red-card voting returned for Celebrity Coach Trip)

Day 25 - Budapest (Bυδαпεσt)

Breakfast for the contestants is spoiled by the smell of sulphur permeating the spa hotel so everyone is glad to be leaving the hotel, as are most to be continuing the trip without James & Tracy. Matt & Tom feel they will be leaving soon as they have lost their last major allies.

Brendan announces their destination will be Budapest where they will begin with a lesson in making goulash. The group are split into two teams - boys and girls. John's father being a chef proves to be to the boys' advantage as they win the task after Brendan's blindfold tasting. Trish's goulash ends up looking more like a meat soup, having far too much water in it. Lunch unsurprisingly consists of goulash.

After lunch Brendan gives the trippers the option of shopping or having a culture walk with Brendan himself. The local market proves to be a disappointment however with the shoppers complaining of all the markets being too similar and full of rubbish. Nobody bought anything except Alex who bought a porcelain doll for his mother. Brendan's group head to St. Stephen's Basilica with its 24 carat gold decorated dome. Brendan thought Tom & Matt actually appeared to be taking in the culture but Tom admitted to camera that the only reason they took the tour was a lack of money to go shopping. it's then on to the Széchenyi Chain Bridge over the River Danube which prompts Brendan to start the group off on a rather poor rendition of The Blue Danube waltz.

Back at the hotel, it is time for the day's vote. Alex & Paul get two votes whilst Tom & Matt receive four and the red card. Brendan congratulates the boys for lasting a record breaking 25 days on the coach trip and they leave with more grace than James & Tracy managed the night before. Brendan is quite emotional as he watches them leave the hotel. A subtitle across the screen reads, "Tom & Holly are now living together in Australia... ... with Matt"

In June 2010, Holly and Tom got married.

Day 26 - Vienna

Concerned about Alex's heavy drinking the night before, Brendan knocks on Alex & Paul's door to ensure they are up on time. However, the pair have already made their way to the hotel lobby, albeit with Alex wearing sunglasses. Once on board, the coach party are introduced to TART BAR owners Delia & Jackie from London who go on to explain they arrived at 5pm the previous night.

Vienna is the destination for the day and the first activity is a visit to the Haus der Musik (House of Music). The definition of music is very broad and includes sounds such as a dentist's drill and stirring a cup of liquid heard through tubes and pipes in a wall. Most people enjoyed the experience but it didn't impress the newcomers who thought it boring. The chance to become a virtual conductor provided some fun as the style and rate at which a person moved an electronic conductor's baton determined how fast the video of an orchestra played. Alex displayed his piano skills, playing a segment of the Coldplay songs, Yellow and Trouble.

At lunch, an argument ensues when first Alex & Paul and then Delia & Jackie complain at not being allowed to drink vodka instead of the glass of wine or beer that Coach Trip permits. Brendan loses his temper, prompting Brian & Trish to leave the room while it continues. Brendan then sulks in a different area of the restaurant, sitting alone in fury.

Following a pleasant horse-drawn carriage ride, the next activity is a dance lesson where everyone is taught the Viennese Waltz, with mixed success.

Voting time leaves Alex & Paul and John & Michael on one vote (due to his lack of respect for Brendan and his moaning), and Brian & Trish on 4 votes, largely due to their longevity on the trip and the fact they don't already have a yellow card. Brian and Trish vote against Alex and Paul because of their 'embarrassing behaviour' with Brendan earlier in the day.

That night, Delia & Jackie decide to walk from the trip due to fall outs with Brendan and the rules. They were shocked at the bullying unreasonable behaviour by Brendan against an 18 year old lad.

Day 27 - Cesky Krumlov

At breakfast, the trippers speculate as to whether they would be going to a spa as Brendan has told them to bring their swimming costumes. Brendan himself had only just found out about Delia & Jaqui's departure. Ian & Fiona joined the coach. They met on a cruise ship in Australia where Ian was a performer. As they want to move to each other's country, Ian joked that maybe they should exchange visas or get married, but Fiona replied that Ian being gay may be an obstacle to that.

Brendan revealed that the day's destination is the medieval town of Cesky Krumlov where they will take part in white water rafting. Brendan and his crew managed to go through one of the gates backwards, Alex & Paul proved to be pretty useless in their boat and Ian managed to step barefoot in dog excrement at the end of the activity. Brendan came to the rescue with some wet wipes supplied by Katie. Alex & Paul found the very tame experience underwhelming.

Following lunch, the coach took them to the Budvar brewery where Brendan made the mistake of putting his finger in the sterilized water used in the brewing process in order to taste it. It turns out he should have waited for the tasting glass designed for the purpose. Brendan protests to camera that his hands were clean as he had just been using the wet wipes to clean Ian's foot, perhaps slightly missing the point. After a taste of the beer, everyone headed back for the vote.

Michael & John received one vote while Alex & Paul received five votes (mainly due to their apparent lack of enthusiasm during the trip) and a yellow card.

Day 28 - Marienbad

Following a quiz game of "Is it a Beer or is it a Deer?" (won by Ian & Fiona), where the trippers had to guess whether a name Brendan reads out is the name of a beer or a deer, the coach arrived in Marienbad, famous for its carbon dioxide springs. This pleased Sandra who had been hoping each day for a visit to a spa. Stopping at their hotel to drop of their luggage, newcomers Derith & Helen (a lawyer and account manager/weekend DJ) were introduced to the trip.

At the springs, everyone tasted the spring water which didn't go down well. Following a viewing of the "singing fountain" which performed in time to music, the trippers split into groups to experience different treatments. However, Katie was unable to take part as she had been stung by a wasp.

At the last yellow and red card vote, John & Michael and Brian & Trish got one vote, Alex & Paul got two votes and Ian & Fiona got three votes and the first and last yellow card. This meant all seven couples will remain on the coach for the final day.

There was one final surprise as Michael came down the hotel stairs to meet everyone, wearing a glittering silver dress, earrings and high heels and with a towel perched on his head.

Day 29 - Prague

Brendan revealed the final destination on this coach trip would be Prague. The first activity was a visit to the marionette museum where Alex managed to break the foot off one of the puppets because he and Paul were fighting with them. Another three marionettes sliped off the handrail as everyone was climbing the stairs to leave prompting Brendan to think a quick getaway is wise.

For the final activity of the trip, the trippers took a ride round Prague on a 1928 vintage tram. Brendan told Alex off for ringing the bell which would have resulted Alex & Paul into a red card and Ian passed wind, filling the tram with a very unpleasant odour which lingered for some time. He has already became infamous on the coach for his propensity to belch.

As usual on Coach Trip, the final vote was to decide the winner of the show. Unlike the first two series however, the winners are to receive a holiday voucher rather than simply staying on in the final destination for a couple of extra days. Alex & Paul and Michael & John vote for each other and Hannah & Katie and Sandra & Michelle also exchange votes. Ian & Fiona vote for Hannah & Katie. Derith & Helen vote for Sandra & Michelle so it is up to Brian & Trish to make the casting vote which goes to Hannah & Katie, making them the winners of Coach Trip Series 3.

Day 30 - The Last Day

As is customary on Coach Trip, the final day involves Brendan sharing his thoughts on the series, this time as the coach takes everyone to Prague Ruzyně Airport. Brendan's favourite couple were Tom & Matt. They 'played the game'. He enjoyed Michelle's exploits on the horse and Anne's fits of laughter. As for least favourite contestants, Brendan wasn't keen on Scott & Krishan's over-familiarity and the behaviour of Ann (Ann & Mark) and Delia (Delia & Jacqui). There is the traditional round of applause for the driver, Paul. Brendan also recalls some of the funnier moments such as the eel fishing and yodeling. His favourite action moment was riding the Segway in Zagreb. As for the moments he'd rather forget, the coach being stuck on the way to the hotel, the miniature beach and the rough ferry crossing topped his list. The rise and fall of the 'coach mafia' is highlighted during a review of the voting.

Finally, Brendan bids farewell to the coach trippers and Paul before walking off into the airport terminal. The coach trip and 28 votes were all over.